Other new and exciting things:
I am currently rocking to the band State Radio. I love the song Keepsake, which was featured in the season finale of the third season of Weeds. I also like the fact that the lead singer of State Radio used to sing for another favorite band, the now-defunct Dispatch. You can find out about Weeds and listen to State Radio's Keepsake here. Weeds has featured great music pretty consistently, so listen to some other great stuff there as well.
I went to Red Bull Flugtag when it was in Chicago the other weekend. It was pretty fricking sweet, and I have been inspired to start a team to create a crazy flying machine of our own for a future year. I encourage you to go see Flugtag when it comes to a city near you. And get there early - I cannot emphasize that part enough!
I went to the Renegade Craft Fair yesterday. Although it rained (read: poured), and is still scheduled to pour for the second day of the fair today, there were some pretty awesome crafts to be seen and scored. Here are my two finds:
Last but not least, the rainy outdoor events of yesterday (including a hole in my rain boots) prompted me to order these cute Wellingtons from Emilyhannah Ltd! They are currently having a 30% off sale, so check them out! I can't wait to have dry and stylish feet once again!

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