I have been living in my current apartment since October, and have been passively looking for an area rug since. My roommate has a lovely jute rug from World Market, similar to
this one, but I couldn't justify $100 for something in a larger size. Then, a few weeks ago,
inspiration struck, and I was so in love with the simple idea from idahostudios that I decided I had to make one myself. I meandered over to the local carpet store today, and told the woman I was looking for greens and browns, the weirder the better. She was only able to come up with some weird ones (the plaid and then the smaller print ones), but I think they provide some nice variations to the rug. The pieces were marked $2 each, but I asked if the smaller ones were cheaper. I ended up getting all the pieces for $10, and I'm sure if I had a $10 bill, there wouldn't have been tax, but unfortunately I had to charge it, as I had just been to the thrift store, so the total for the carpet was $11.02. I also had to get a new roll of duct tape, which was a whopping $7.08, but I figured I'd get the largest roll of tape since I was out. So, without further ado, here is my masterpiece of a rug.

After taking this picture I realized how hideous my black bedside table is. (You can catch a glimpse of its ugly spidery legs in the photo.) Therefore, I resolve to paint that sucker soon! The list of projects grows by the minute!
The kitchen light also got installed successfully this weekend - it was a 7:30 am daddy-and-me project, which necessitated me eating a bowl of cereal 20 minutes into the project so I wouldn't be so feisty. Other than that, we work well. The project was completed in time for me to meet my friend for
brunch* and this included a trip back to the store to exchange a broken glass lightshade on a "final sale" item - see how persuasive lawyers can be!

Finally, this was last night's dinner and it was delicious! I used my bread machine to make the pizza dough from a recipe in this
1993 gem of a book, but I omitted the garlic from the dough. It was crispy on the bottom, yet still soft under the potatoes and fresh rosemary from the garden.

* My favorite and oft-frequented brunch place in the City!